About Us

Our Vision

Rise & Shine’s vision and belief is to support the parents by engaging and educating them to improve their child’s development. We involve the families into the community to support their life-style and culture. We help parents understand their role as an advocate and work with them with the experiences they have. We believe by connecting with the family, we not only improve the child’ development and self-esteem, but the families’ lives. Rise & Shine offers early intervention, occupational therapy, speech therapy and physical therapy to guide the child and strengthen the families. Sessions are family centered and we support the social-emotional growth of infants and toddlers. We also support the families and become partners with the parents/caregivers to deliver the most effective services possible


  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Weekly Group
  • Spanish Interpreter
  • ASL Interpreter

Learn more about our Therapy.